"Have some very sophisticated surgical equipment and some more routine medical supplies, enteral feeding bags to donate. Would like to see this go to third world countries. If you identify your organization I will send you a list. I would prefer a registered nonprofit. If you are not either your email will be deleted!"
Excuse me, doctor, but if I am not either what? If you're going to be haughty with your free stuff, at least be coherent. Wait, do you mean either a "third world country" or a "registered nonprofit"? Do you really expect Liberia to log in to its yahoo account and shoot you an e-mail? Just so's you know, it hates being called third-world. Ixnay on the eveloping-day ountry-cay, too.
And really, "registered nonprofits"? I think most organizations whose primary mission includes improving the health of the underserved/underprivileged steer clear of anonymous donations of vital medical equipment. But I could be wrong:
Cure the Sick International Chief Surgeon: We're losing people to sepsis in Surinam, we need a hospital grade autoclave down there, yesterday.
Cure the Sick International Executive Director: Well, that's well and good, but donations have been down with the economy, we just don't have the funds.
Chief Surgeon: Dammit, bean counter, money or no money, we have to make this happen. I'm sorry about that bean counter remark, I know you're every bit as important here as I am.
Executive Director: Bygones. We've got work to do. I'll call our top donors and see what I can come up with.
Chief Surgeon: Wait, I've just thought of something. I hear there's a new clearinghouse for sophisticated medical equipment on the internet. Fred over at Equatorial Charities picked up an almost-new MRI there the other day.
Exec. Direc.: Don't keep me in suspense, where is this non-profit dream-come-true?
Surge-on: The Free Stuff section of craigslist. Maybe someone left an autoclave out on the corner, next to a telephone pole, on top of an old, cat-scratched sofa.
ED: But . . . I thought we were having trouble with contamination? That sounds icky.
CS: Bean counter . . . sorry.
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