“We have an old mimeograph machine, model 8250 from Standard.
It powers up, but hasn't been used in years.
Take it away.”
Argument in Favor of Free Mimeograph Machine:
Much like the smell of madeleines for Proust, the odor of the mimeograph will awaken my own mémoire involontaire, which will then become the basis of my epic autobiography. I will call it A Remembrance of Things Thermofaxed, or, In Search of Lost Aniline.
Rebuttal to Argument:
You’re thinking of a spirit duplicator (or ditto machine), whose alcohol-fueled pigment transfer process had a distinctive smell. The mimeograph’s wax-stencil–and–ink technology did not have a particularly distinguishable scent.
Argument in Favor:
I live in a developing nation, where electricity is not widely available, making mimeograph technology more practical than photocopying, as it does not rely on electricity.
Rebuttal to Argument:
This particular machine, which “powers up” (and has a power cord visible in the picture), will apparently do you no good.
Argument in Favor:
I believe obsolete duplication technology to be the next big thing in hipster accessorizing, much like vinyl records and fixed-gear bicycles. I plan to give this mimeograph a place of prominence between my dot-matrix printer and my steam-powered printing press.
Rebuttal to Argument:
Then, by all means, take it away.
Guest authored by J-Ben, who is sophisticated in ways I will never approach.
I want to somehow become the third party in your couplehood, just to spend more time around you both.No funny business.
I want this machine Pls sent me detail
Thiss is great
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