Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Girls Gone Wild DVDs

"I have in my possession 5 Girls Gone Wild DVDs that I am giving away for free."

If you have five Girls Gone Wild DVDs, doesn’t that mean you’re kind of a fan of the series? An aficionado? A partisan? You bought one. Then another. And another. All the way to five. You have paid for Joe Francis to buy a few burgers, and he has given you a feast (of some sort) for your eyes.

So why would you get rid of them now?

Did they fail to bring your gay son over to God’s side?
Are you tired of breasts?
Are you just tired of these breasts?
Did you keep buying them hoping the “wild” would one day turn extreme, but you’ve finally given up on the series giving you the girl-on-girl cannibalism you hoped for?
Are they scratched?
Have you finally had it with the shoddy production values?
Did your wife tell you they go or she goes?
Are you upset with how Joe Francis has treated Ashley Dupre?
Have you moved on to the "Women Gone Wild" DVDs?
Have you switched over to Girls Gone Wild on Blu-Ray?
Have you gone blind?
Do you feel misled after going to Daytona Beach for spring break and discovering no one going wild?
Is some sort of “The Ring” thing going on with the discs, and you have to give them to someone to keep naked chicks from materializing out of your television? If so, why would you want to stop that?

1 comment:

TK said...

Pls. to be providing link to original post for this. For research purposes only. kthx.