Friday, January 2, 2009

MacLaren Twin Traveller

"This is the 2004 model - in good shape and works fine, with a small tear in the right handle, small stain on the fabric of one seat, and fading on the hoods; includes the foot muffs and rain hood."

There is one little detail missing from this description. The noun indicating what it is. Reading the title of the post, I thought maybe it was some sort of RV trailer thing. I'm moderately interested in that sort of device, so I clicked. I saw it was a "2004 model," and figured I must be wrong. When people give away trailers, they're thirty-five years old and held together by decades of mildew. Once I finished reading this through, I guessed stroller, and I'll bet that's what it is, but who knows? It could be a golf cart, a touring motorcycle, or a moss-covered three handled family grudunza,


Charlene said...

It's a baby stroller for twins.

Anonymous said...

Frank said...

flurptacular use of "grundunza"